Sunday, March 11, 2012

Looking Forward to a Clean Sweep

Weeks like this past week makes my upcoming Spring Break the best thing since dark chocolate and diet Coke.

I had meetings every night. The kids I work with in several places had behavior off the charts. Stress caused numerous people around me to succumb to tears. My dad was taken to hospital via ambulance. Thankfully it was influenza because, at first, his symptoms seemed stroke-like.

Thursday I was kicked out of the YMCA's dressing room. Their plumber showed up to fix the toilet while I was still in my towel and wet hair. So I had to throw on my clothes, leave the locker room, and arrive at work with no make-up and very undone hair. (That alone registers a 10 out of 10 on my stress scale.) I finished getting ready at work, right after a few co-workers got a good laugh at my au naturale appearance.

I knew everything was starting to take a toll on me that evening when I got the water pitcher out of the fridge, poured a drink, and then proceded to put the water pitcher in the kitchen cabinet.

On paper, these don't seem like life shaking events. But in real time, the stress of it all prompted me to call the chiropractor Friday for my neck pain, which I'm sure stemmed from stress. Of course, I couldn't get in Friday. That wouldn't have fit with the week.

I've had a little levity to finish off the week though. Some co-workers performed this feat:

Yep - the broom is standing by itself. It seems this is the internet rage right now. People all over are standing brooms up - just because they can! I've read mutliple theories on how this is happening:
  • brooms have always been able to stand by themselves; we've just never been bored enough to try this trick
  • earthquakes have knocked the earth's gravitational pull off slightly; but don't worry, everything will be back to normal on March 20 (really?)
  • the Equinox is responsible, or
  • the planets are aligned just right (what was that '70s song?)
My oldest child (an engineer, nonetheless) didn't believe me about the brooms. He did his own test:

    Yep - same results.

    Strange bizarre happenings. A stress filled week. 

    One of my favorite songs talks about a time when I won't have to deal with this any more. The song is called WHERE I BELONG by Building 429.

    To appreciate this song, you probably need to have a belief like me. That when we die, there is something beyond just a six-foot hole in the ground. That you are more than just a feast for the worms. That there is a place beyond our wildest imagination filled with God's peace and His presence.

    I'm not sure the true cause of the stress I see around me, or the freakish brooms. But I look forward to the day when it will all be behind me.

    Here's a link to WHERE I BELONG ... enjoy! And maybe the next equinox the brooms will sweep the floor by themselves.

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